Run a Photo Contest

This playbook outlines the steps to run a photo contest to engage an audience and promote an event. The procedure includes the planning, promotion, and execution phases, as well as showcasing the winners to enhance event marketing.

Step 1: Planning

Define the objectives of the contest, choose a relevant theme tied to the event, establish the rules and criteria for participation, and select the prizes for the winners.

Step 2: Platform Setup

Choose the platform(s) for your photo contest (social media, website, etc.), set up the submission process, and ensure it is easily accessible to your target audience.

Step 3: Promotion

Create promotional materials that detail the contest information. Use social media, email marketing, and other communication channels to spread the word about your contest.

Step 4: Monitoring

Regularly monitor the submissions, engage with participants, and provide support or clarification when necessary. This helps maintain the buzz and encourages more submissions.

Step 5: Judging

After the submission deadline, organize the judging process using pre-defined criteria to ensure fairness and select the winners.

Step 6: Announcement

Publicly announce the winners through your chosen platforms and celebrate their contributions to build excitement around your event.

Step 7: Showcasing

Feature the winning photos prominently in your event promotions, including social media, print materials, and during the event itself to honor the winners and enhance marketing efforts.

General Notes

Legal Considerations

Ensure the photo contest adheres to all relevant legal guidelines, including copyright laws and privacy policies, when displaying or reproducing entrant's photographs.


Aim to include a diverse representation of themes and participants to foster inclusivity and appeal to a broader audience.


Encourage participants to share their submissions on their own social channels to increase reach and provide additional exposure for your event.