Motorcycle Washing & Detailing

This playbook describes a series of steps for properly washing and detailing a motorcycle. The goal is to maintain the bike's appearance and protect its finish, ensuring that it continues to look its best over time.

Step 1: Preparation

Gather all necessary supplies including buckets, soap, microfiber towels, sponges, brushes, and detailing products. Make sure the motorcycle is cool to the touch and in a shaded area to prevent soap from drying too quickly.

Step 2: Pre-Wash

Rinse the motorcycle with water to remove loose dirt and debris. Avoid high-pressure water on sensitive areas such as electronics, bearings, and the air intake.

Step 3: Washing

Using a motorcycle-specific soap, wash the bike from top to bottom with a sponge or wash mitt. Use a separate bucket for rinsing to avoid swirling dirt back onto the motorcycle.

Step 4: Detailing

Clean smaller, intricate areas with a soft brush or toothbrush. Apply cleaners and polishes to chrome and metal parts, and treat leather with a conditioner if applicable.

Step 5: Drying

Use a clean microfiber towel to dry the motorcycle thoroughly to prevent water spots. Blow-drying can help remove water from crevices to prevent rust.

Step 6: Final Touches

Apply a protective wax or sealant to the painted surfaces. Check and lubricate the chain if necessary and ensure that all cleaning residues are removed.

General Notes


Always make sure the motorcycle engine and exhaust are fully cooled before beginning the washing process to avoid burns and prevent soap from baking onto hot surfaces.

Product Choice

Use only products designed for motorcycles to prevent damage. Automotive products can contain chemicals that are harsh on motorcycle finishes and materials.