Wills and Trusts

Information on creating and managing wills and trusts.

Amending a Will

This playbook outlines the steps necessary to legally amend an existing will through the addition of a codicil. It is designed to ensure that the changes are enforceable and recognized by law.

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Appointing a Child Guardian

This playbook provides a step-by-step guide for appointing a guardian for minor children in your will. It includes considerations for choosing the right person and the legal processes involved.

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Avoiding Probate with Trusts

This playbook outlines the steps to set up trusts that enable estate assets to bypass the probate process. By establishing the right type of trust, beneficiaries can access assets more quickly and privately.

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Creating a Basic Will

This playbook provides a structured approach to creating a basic will. It outlines the steps for designating beneficiaries, selecting an executor, and detailing the distribution of assets to ensure a clear and legally binding document.

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Creating a Living Trust

This playbook outlines the steps involved in setting up a living trust to manage and protect your assets. It is designed to ensure an easier transfer of these assets after one's death, avoiding the often lengthy probate process.

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Creating a Pet Trust

This playbook outlines the steps to create a pet trust, a legal arrangement that ensures your pets are cared for according to your wishes after you pass away.

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Creating Asset Protection Trusts

This guide describes the process of establishing an Asset Protection Trust, a legal structure designed to shield assets from creditors and legal judgments.

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Creating Special Needs Trusts

This playbook outlines the steps to set up a Special Needs Trust, which is a plan designed to financially support an individual with disabilities while preserving their access to government benefits.

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Designating a Health Care Proxy

This playbook describes the steps to appoint a health care proxy, who will have the power to make medical decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated. It is an important legal document that requires careful consideration and proper execution.

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Digital Estate Planning

This playbook outlines the necessary steps to effectively include digital assets, such as online accounts, social media profiles, and digital files, in your estate planning. It aims to guide individuals in preparing their digital legacy for inclusion in a will or trust.

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Estate Planning Choices

This playbook provides guidance on deciding between a will and a trust for estate planning. It details the differences, benefits, and drawbacks of each option to ensure individuals can make an informed decision.

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Estate Planning Fundamentals

This playbook describes the basic steps involved in estate planning. It outlines the creation of wills, trusts, establishing power of attorney, and setting up advanced healthcare directives to prepare for future uncertainties.

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Granting Financial Power of Attorney

This playbook outlines the steps to legally appoint someone to make financial decisions on your behalf. It provides guidance on selecting a trusted individual and ensuring the power of attorney is legally binding and effective.

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Post-Death Trust Management

This playbook describes the actions a trustee must take to manage and distribute the assets within a trust after the death of the settlor. It outlines the procedural steps required to ensure legal compliance and the fulfillment of the settlor's wishes.

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Revoking a Will Procedure

This playbook provides a step-by-step guide on legally cancelling or revoking an existing will. It outlines the necessary actions and legal considerations to effectively nullify a previous testament.

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Secure Will & Trust Storage

This playbook outlines best practices for securely storing important estate planning documents such as wills and trusts. It ensures these documents remain valid, protected from damage or loss, and accessible when required.

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Setting Up a Testamentary Trust

This playbook outlines the steps involved in establishing a testamentary trust, which is a legal arrangement created through a will and comes into effect upon the death of the individual who has created the will, known as the trustor.

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Setting Up Charitable Trusts

This playbook describes the sequential steps involved in setting up a trust with the purpose of donating assets to charity. It explains both the process of establishing the trust and the tax benefits that come with such charitable contributions, applicable during the lifetime of the trust creator or after their death.

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Understanding Probate Process

This playbook outlines the process of probate, which includes the validation of wills, the appointment of executors, and the distribution of the decedent's estate. It provides a step-by-step guide to what parties involved in a will can expect during the probate process.

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