Survival Skills

Basic survival skills for various emergency conditions.

Basic First Aid Procedures

This playbook outlines the critical steps in administering basic first aid, including performing CPR, treating wounds, and managing common injuries.

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Building a Basic Shelter

This playbook describes the step-by-step process of constructing a basic shelter using available natural materials or items that one might have in a survival kit. The goal is to create a protective structure that provides refuge from the elements.

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Fire Starting Techniques

This playbook provides step-by-step instructions on how to start a fire without the use of matches. It includes friction-based methods, the use of flint stones, and techniques involving improvised lenses to focus sunlight.

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Identifying Edible Wild Plants

This playbook guides through the steps to identify common edible wild plants and recognize which parts are safe for consumption. It focuses on preparation, identification, verification, and safe eating practices.

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Predator Awareness and Defense

This playbook outlines the steps to understand local wildlife, recognize the presence of predators, and learn defensive measures. It aims to increase personal safety in natural environments by fostering awareness and preparedness.

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Signaling for Rescue

This playbook describes the various methods one can use to signal for help in a rescue situation. It covers visual signals, use of mirrors, and auditory signals to attract the attention of rescuers.

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Small Game Trapping

This playbook outlines the steps for crafting and setting traps aimed at catching small game for food. It includes selecting the right materials, constructing the trap, and properly placing it in a natural habitat for effective use.

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Survival Fishing Techniques

This playbook outlines methods for catching fish in a survival scenario using limited resources or improvised equipment. It covers the basics of identifying potential fishing spots, creating makeshift fishing gear, and employing effective fishing strategies with minimal tools.

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Water Finding and Purification

This playbook describes how to locate water sources in various environments and outlines methods for purifying the water to make it safe to drink.

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Wilderness Navigation Without a Compass

This playbook provides a set of techniques for finding your direction and navigating in the wilderness without the use of a compass. It focuses on the use of natural indicators such as the sun, stars, and environmental clues.

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