Natural Disasters

Preparation and response strategies for different types of natural disasters.

Disaster Supplies Kit Assembly

This playbook provides detailed instructions on how to assemble a disaster supplies kit. It is designed to ensure individuals are prepared for various natural disasters by having all necessary items organized and readily available.

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Earthquake Safety Playbook

This playbook outlines crucial steps to be taken to ensure safety before, during, and after an earthquake. It includes preparation strategies, immediate actions, and post-earthquake checks.

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Flood Zone Defense Plan

This playbook outlines a sequence of strategies for homeowners to safeguard their homes against potential flooding. It covers assessment, preparation, and protection measures to mitigate flooding risks.

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Hurricane Readiness Guide

This guide provides a sequence of essential steps to prepare for a hurricane, including securing your household and devising an evacuation strategy.

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Wildfire Evacuation Playbook

This playbook provides a step-by-step guide for safely evacuating in the event of a wildfire. It details the measures that individuals should take to prepare for an evacuation and how to execute it effectively.

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