Intellectual Property

Guidelines on protecting and managing intellectual property.

AI & Intellectual Property

This playbook outlines the procedural steps to understand the impact of artificial intelligence on intellectual property law. It addresses the complexities surrounding authorship and inventorship in the era of AI and sifts through the challenges and opportunities this technology poses.

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Avoid IP Infringement in Advertising

This playbook provides guidance for advertisers and marketers on how to avoid infringing intellectual property rights during their campaigns. It covers best practices for using images, music, slogans, and other protected materials.

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Combating Counterfeit Goods

This playbook outlines strategies to prevent and combat counterfeit goods. It covers market surveillance, collaboration with customs authorities, and legal enforcement against infringers.

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Copyright Basics for Creatives

This playbook outlines the fundamental aspects of copyright law pertinent to artists, writers, musicians, and other creative professionals. It guides through the process of protecting original works and addresses the appropriate actions in case of copyright infringement.

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Domain Dispute Resolution

This playbook outlines the process of resolving domain name disputes, highlights the role of ICANN, and details strategies to protect a brand's domain online.

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Drafting Non-Compete Agreements

This playbook outlines the procedure for drafting non-compete agreements to safeguard a company's intellectual property. It includes key considerations to ensure that the agreements are legally sound and enforceable.

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Effective IP Strategy Development

This playbook outlines the critical steps for creating a comprehensive intellectual property (IP) strategy that is tailored to support and align with a business's goals. It involves identifying, protecting, and leveraging intellectual property assets.

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Enforcing Intellectual Property Rights

A guide detailing the methods and strategies for enforcing intellectual property (IP) rights. The process covers litigation, issuing cease and desist letters, and pursuing international enforcement measures.

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Industrial Design Protection

This guide provides a detailed process for registering and protecting industrial designs. It outlines the necessary eligibility criteria, explains the steps for application, and discusses the enforcement options available for registered designs.

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Intellectual Property Branding

This playbook describes the procedure for leveraging intellectual property to establish and strengthen a brand's identity. It outlines how to utilize intellectual property in marketing strategies to enhance customer perception.

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Intellectual Property Taxation Guide

This playbook offers guidance on the tax implications associated with owning intellectual property, including how to handle deductions, credits, and valuing IP assets for tax purposes.

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International IP Protection

This playbook outlines the steps for companies to protect and enforce their intellectual property (IP) rights when entering international markets. It aims to guide businesses through the complex process of safeguarding their IP assets abroad.

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IP and Social Media Guide

This playbook outlines the process of understanding the relationship between intellectual property rights and social media platforms. It covers copyright and trademark considerations, as well as best practices for creating content that respects intellectual property laws.

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IP Due Diligence in M&A

This playbook describes the steps to conduct intellectual property due diligence during mergers and acquisitions. It outlines how to assess IP portfolios and mitigate associated risks.

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IP Valuation Techniques

This playbook describes the sequential steps for valuing intellectual property (IP) using different methodologies, such as the cost, income, and market approaches. It outlines the importance of these valuations in the context of business transactions.

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Licensing Intellectual Property

This guide provides a step-by-step approach to licensing intellectual property. It covers the process from initial negotiations, through drafting the licensing agreements, to managing relationships with licensees.

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Managing Intellectual Property in Collaborations

This playbook provides a structured approach to managing and protecting intellectual property (IP) during joint ventures or collaborative projects. It includes steps for drafting contract clauses, negotiating licensing agreements, and ensuring both parties' IP rights are safeguarded.

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Managing IP Risks in Supply Chain

This playbook describes best practices for identifying and managing intellectual property (IP) risks in the supply chain. It covers establishing vendor agreements and conducting auditing procedures to secure the company’s IP.

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Open Source Licensing Guide

This playbook provides a step-by-step approach to understanding, selecting, and applying open-source licenses. It addresses exploration of license types, the implications of using open-source code, and the best practices for licensing your software.

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Patent Filing Guide

This guide provides a step-by-step procedure for filing a patent. It includes identification of patent types, understanding the examination process, and details on maintenance fees.

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Protecting Trade Secrets

This playbook details the process for understanding and protecting trade secrets through legal means. It includes the identification of trade secrets and the drafting and enforcement of confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements.

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Responding to IP Theft

This playbook outlines a sequence of steps to take when confronted with the theft or misappropriation of intellectual property (IP). It covers various actions ranging from initial response, protection measures, to seeking legal recourse.

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Royalty Audit Procedures

This playbook outlines the steps necessary for conducting royalty audits on intellectual property agreements. It aims to ensure compliance and recover any unpaid royalties.

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Startup IP Portfolio Management

This playbook outlines the key steps for startups to create and effectively manage an intellectual property portfolio. It focuses on the importance of prioritization and strategic planning to ensure that limited resources are used wisely.

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Trademark Registration Guide

This playbook provides a systematic guide on the process of registering a trademark. It includes steps for conducting a trademark search, preparing the application, and handling office actions by the USPTO.

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