Estate Planning

Guides on managing and planning for the distribution of personal assets.

Advanced Healthcare Directive Prep

This playbook outlines the steps necessary to prepare an advanced healthcare directive, which is a legal document that specifies an individual's preferences for medical treatment in the event they become unable to make their own healthcare decisions.

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Asset Protection Planning

This playbook outlines strategies to safeguard personal assets from creditors and legal judgments. It focuses on proper estate planning techniques and legal structures to create effective barriers against asset seizure.

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Blended Family Estate Planning

This playbook outlines the steps necessary for individuals in blended families to create an estate plan. It addresses the complexities of managing stepchildren and multiple beneficiaries to ensure a fair and well-organized distribution of the estate.

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Business Estate Planning

This playbook provides a strategic approach for business owners to plan their estate, ensuring appropriate succession and management of the business after they pass away. It covers the essential considerations and procedural steps necessary to effectively secure the future of the business and provide clarity for heirs and associates.

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Charitable Estate Planning

This playbook outlines the steps necessary for incorporating charitable giving into an individual's estate planning. It includes how to set up charitable trusts and donor-advised funds to effectively manage philanthropic goals.

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Choosing Guardians for Children

This playbook outlines the steps for selecting and legally documenting guardians for minor children within an estate plan. It is intended to ensure that children are cared for by trusted individuals in the event of the parents' incapacity or death.

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Creating a Financial Power of Attorney

This playbook describes the steps to create a financial power of attorney (FPOA) document. It outlines the process of appointing a trusted individual to manage your financial affairs in the event that you are unable to do so yourself.

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Creating Ethical Wills

This guide provides steps for writing an ethical will, which is a document designed to pass on personal values, beliefs, and reflections. It is not legally binding but serves as a complement to the legal will, conveying emotional and ethical legacies.

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Digital Assets Estate Planning

This playbook outlines the steps necessary to include digital assets, like online accounts and digital property, in an individual's estate plan. It guides through the process from taking inventory of digital assets to updating and maintaining the digital estate plan.

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Distributing Family Heirlooms

This playbook outlines the steps required to fairly and respectfully distribute family heirlooms and personal items among members. The process serves to honor sentimental value and maintain family harmony.

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Drafting a Last Will

This guide provides a detailed approach to creating a Last Will and Testament, outlining the legal protocols to ensure validity, the selection of an executor, and the necessity of maintaining its relevance with life changes.

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Establishing a Living Trust

This playbook outlines the sequential steps required to create a living trust, an estate planning tool that allows individuals to manage their property during their lifetime and simplifies the transfer of assets upon death, avoiding the complexities of probate.

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Estate Planning Checklist

This checklist guides individuals through the integral components necessary to compile a complete and thorough estate plan, ensuring that all personal, financial, and legal aspects are accounted for and appropriately managed.

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Estate Planning for Cohabitants

This playbook outlines essential steps for estate planning tailored specifically for cohabitating couples who are not legally married. It ensures that their wishes are honored and that they have laid out clear instructions for asset distribution and care in the event of incapacitation or death.

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Estate Planning for Collectibles

This playbook outlines the steps for appraising, managing, and distributing collections of art, antiques, and collectibles during estate planning. It ensures valuables are handled correctly and beneficiaries receive their intended inheritance.

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Estate Planning Record Keeping

This guide outlines the necessary steps for organizing and keeping records that are vital for estate planning. It is aimed at ensuring that all relevant documents are easily accessible and in order, aiding in the simplification of the estate planning process.

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Estate Tax Minimization

This playbook outlines steps for legally minimizing estate taxes. It covers the use of gifts, various types of trusts, and charitable contributions to reduce the taxable estate.

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Family Conflict Minimization in Estate Planning

The playbook outlines steps to anticipate and mitigate possible disputes among family members during estate planning. It aims to ensure clear communication, fair asset distribution, and legal preparedness to prevent conflicts.

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Fiduciary Duties in Estate Planning

This playbook outlines the responsibilities of individuals who are appointed to oversee and manage an estate during the estate planning process. It focuses on the roles of executors and trustees.

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Gift Tax Estate Planning

This playbook outlines the steps to understand the implications of gift tax on estate planning and how to strategically use gifting to reduce estate taxes. It is intended for individuals looking to optimize their estate plans.

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Green Burial Estate Planning

This playbook outlines the steps for planning an environmentally friendly burial or alternative funeral and including these wishes in your estate plan. It is intended to ensure that one's final wishes are respected and executed in an eco-conscious manner.

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International Estate Planning

This playbook provides a step-by-step guideline for estate planning that involves assets in multiple countries or beneficiaries living abroad, helping to navigate the complexities of international estate law.

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Joint Tenancy in Estate Planning

This playbook outlines the steps to understand how joint tenancy with the right of survivorship affects estate planning and the distribution of assets. It aims to provide clarity on joint tenancy as a method of property co-ownership that directly influences asset succession.

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Life Insurance Estate Planning

This playbook outlines the steps for integrating life insurance into your estate planning. It aims to ensure that life insurance policies are utilized effectively to provide for beneficiaries and to address potential estate tax liabilities.

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Marital Property Estate Planning

This playbook outlines the key considerations in how marital property laws can impact estate planning and the distribution of assets to surviving spouses. It guides through the evaluation of marital property and the legal steps necessary for effective estate management.

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Navigating Probate Process

This playbook provides a series of steps to understand and navigate the probate process effectively. It outlines how to plan your estate in a manner that either avoids probate or makes the procedure simpler for your heirs.

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Pet Care Post-Passing

This playbook describes the steps to ensure your pets are taken care of after your death. It involves legal arrangements such as setting up pet trusts to provide for your pets’ future.

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Retirement Estate Beneficiaries

This playbook outlines the best practices for designating beneficiaries for retirement accounts and integrating them into an overall estate plan. Establishing the right beneficiaries is crucial to ensure that retirement assets are transferred smoothly to your intended heirs without unnecessary legal complications.

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Setting Up a Special Needs Trust

This playbook outlines the sequential steps necessary to create a Special Needs Trust. The purpose is to provide financial support for a person with special needs without jeopardizing their eligibility for government benefits.

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Trust Management and Funding

This playbook provides a step-by-step guide on how to transfer assets into a trust and manage the trust effectively throughout one's lifetime. It outlines both the initial funding of the trust and the ongoing management responsibilities.

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