College and University Resources

Guides for college students on study techniques, major selection, and campus life.

Balancing Work and Study

This playbook provides strategies tailored for part-time student employees to manage their work and study commitments efficiently. The aim is to ensure optimal performance in both academic and work roles without burnout.

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Campus Life Adaptation

This playbook outlines essential steps for incoming college students to adapt successfully to campus life. It encompasses aspects such as dorm living, academics, social activities, and involvement in student organizations.

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Campus Networking Guide

This guide provides a structured approach to networking on a college campus, helping students establish valuable professional relationships with peers, faculty, and industry professionals.

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Campus Safety Playbook

This playbook outlines the essential steps and best practices to maintain personal safety on a university campus, including awareness of resources and proactive measures.

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Choosing Your College Major

This guide provides a structured approach to selecting a college major that suits an individual's interests, career ambitions, and the prevailing job market conditions.

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College Essay Success

This playbook provides a structured approach to producing college essays. It outlines steps from initial planning through to the final editing phase to ensure the creation of well-thought-out, coherent, and impactful written assignments.

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College Library Research

This playbook outlines the steps for effectively using college libraries for academic research and study. It will guide you through the process of leveraging the resources available in college libraries to achieve research success.

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College Time Management

This playbook outlines a series of steps to help college students balance their academic work, extracurricular activities, and personal time to achieve effective time management.

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Effective College Study Habits

This playbook outlines strategies for college students to study more effectively. It encompasses time management, engaging actively with the material, and leveraging campus resources to enhance learning.

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Effective Study Group Formation

This playbook outlines the process of forming and maintaining a study group to improve learning outcomes. It emphasizes selecting participants, scheduling, setting goals, and establishing group norms for a successful collaborative study experience.

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Exploring Study Abroad

This playbook guides you through the process of exploring study abroad opportunities to incorporate travel and global learning into your college experience.

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Graduate School Preparation

This playbook outlines the essential steps undergraduates should take to prepare for entry into graduate school. It covers aspects such as academic preparation, entrance examinations, and building a strong application.

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Securing Internships Guide

This playbook outlines a detailed approach to finding, applying for, and maximizing the benefits of internships during college. It is intended for college students seeking practical experience in their field of study.

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Strengthening Advisor Relationship

This playbook outlines the steps for students to build and maintain a strong relationship with their academic advisor. It encompasses practices from the initial understanding of advisory services to sustained collaboration for academic success.

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University Wellness Guide

This guide provides a detailed approach to maintaining physical and mental health for university students through proper diet, regular exercise, and effective stress management techniques.

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