Writing a DAP Note

This playbook outlines the sequential steps to compose a Data, Assessment, Plan (DAP) note following a mental health therapy session. It emphasizes the structure and content for each section to ensure comprehensive and organized documentation for treatment planning.

Step 1: Data Section

Collect factual information and observable details during the session. Include the client's appearance, behavior, and statements, as well as any assessments, exercises, or therapeutic techniques used. Ensure this section remains objective and only includes observable and specific information.

Step 2: Assessment Section

Analyze and interpret the data collected. Include clinical impressions, note the client's progress or any changes, and provide or update the client's diagnosis as needed. Base this section on your professional judgment and the evidence gathered during the session.

Step 3: Plan Section

Outline concrete next steps for treatment. Specify therapeutic interventions, give homework assignments, establish short-term goals, define long-term goals, and provide details on follow-up or scheduling the next session. Be clear about the intended actions and future objectives.

General Notes

Data Components
  • Client’s Presentation: Describe the client's state, noting physical and emotional aspects.
  • Observations: Detail specific behaviors or expressions noticed during the session.
  • Client’s Statements: Record significant quotes or paraphrase key discussions.
  • Session Activities: Mention any therapeutic activities engaged in during the session.
Assessment Components
  • Clinical Impressions: Offer clear interpretations of the client's condition.
  • Progress: Comment on changes since the last session.
  • Diagnostic Impressions: Provide or update any diagnosis related to the client's symptoms.
Plan Components
  • Interventions: Outline any therapeutic methods to be continued or introduced.
  • Homework Assignments: Assign tasks for the client to complete independently.
  • Short-term Goals: Define clear, measurable targets for the near future.
  • Long-term Goals: Establish overarching treatment aims.
  • Follow-up: Set timing and agenda for next session.
Use AI to Generate a DAP Note

Of course, you don't have to write a DAP note manually. You can also generate a DAP note with AI with tools that take your provided summary of your session and then break that provided input into the necessary D, A, and P sections.